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Nov 2, 2010

Easy One!

It all happened just a week ago but it looks like it started years or atleast months back.....It was time for the third ring of hell,popularly known in my college as the third 'assessment'..In my college,its like..nothing will be told 'that' open nor is it told early, so that we could prepare of some sort...It was all only told in the end,jus like a thriller movie...except that here the thrill was just about to begin for us.So I got the time-table for the test two days ago via sms and the portion for the test was completed the next day.We had the first and arguably the toughest exam namely electronic-circuits 1(ec1) on wednesday,for which I got the notes from the other batch just one day before.Now this exam was no ordinary one for me,given that it was a must pass situation for me.I had (along with 48 other students) failed in the previous assessments in the subject and if I failed this one in a streak,then passing this subject would have just been as easy as escaping from a lion chasing you in the forest! The day before the exam was so 'usual',nothing different-imagine one day before a day that decided the fate of life for many good students and people still had all the guts in the world to act normal! Infact some looked so calm and self-satisfied that you will presume he has studied entirely! Sometimes these few moments created more panic than what a thousand words would have created.If anyone wanted to give you some words of comfort,they should just say "I donno a single word".It would be more soothing at that time than a song that was an old favourite.Need not mean that the guy talks the truth..... because an unsaid truth, as far as my college is concerned is you must not believe anyone before the exams except for your best buddies! So there I was...half-afraid,half-determined but still I wasn't sure if I would make it but I knew this for sure-' Whatever happens I must give my best shot at it..even if I did fail,I must not be guilty'..and that was exactly what I ..er..tried to do..!I came home at 1.I ate,started studying at 3.30.well..studying can now be defined as sitting with book in hand,while messaging half the time and thinking what to message the remaining half!I was alone in my house and even this kind of studying makes you drowsy,added that it was just after lunch.And so I woke up at 7p.m.Honestly speaking,if I continued my earlier way of studying,even god would'nt care to pass me the next day.So I studied those real two hours.It seemed long,and I almost finished more than half.In studying,I don't know if we can ever really say we have finished , because nothing stays in your mind forever..and we must read it once again.After that it was dinner and after that,I couldn't even stay awake for 10 minutes at a stretch,let alone the thought of studying.This is where the hostel guys have an advantage.But honestly you can't stay up alone in the night so long.So I slept..but not before I set the alarm for 4.30 the next morning.I woke up at 6 and studied for half an hour (revised what I studied the previous day and left the remaining)before I went to do the morning stuff and that was it.It is while doing these things that I keep thinking about the exam and how to face it.In engineering it is not like school,where you know what you will get in the question paper and you just have to make the answer perfect.In engineering,it is a great thing even if you just made the answer up.I must admit that I was a bit real scared just before the exam and I couldn't conceal that fact too.I looked at everyone like I had swallowed a whole watermelon.So it was all ready to start.Seconds were like minutes when the hall invigilator started giving the question paper.I kept muttering,"It must be easy...it must be easy" to myself.I got the question paper and believe me-it really was easy!Whether I understood the questions or not is a different matter,but I understood that this paper-this was my only last chance of passing the subject and I started writing the answers that I knew at a deadly pace.Then came the answers that I did not knew.This is the part where you 'create' answers from the history of the subject.Problems are a problem still as you can't create anything there.ec was full of problems and I kind of sucked at problems.So I wrote the formulas that I thought I knew and somehow completed the paper.I had faith in myself.Don't know why but I had hardly read anything for the exam and wrote just about half the question paper but I had the feeling that I will pass..atleast till I came to know that some of my 'correct' answers were actually wrong later!But once I finished the exam,It was like...yes,I've done it ,I had that feeling of pride,success,happiness,joy,freedom...It was all over! I don't have to be afraid of this anymore I thought.I felt as though the semester itself had come to an end.It was an irony that I had EMF exam the next day.But I did not care ...I have one whole day now! Now I can eat , sleep , talk or even piss in peace.Those few moments I got the better of the great ec1.I did it...against all odds.....studying just two hours..... in front of all those who made me depressed by showing off that they had studied.I felt like Will Smith when he said in the 'pursuit of happiness' ,"This part ..this little part... is called happiness......"

s n a v

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